Prototypes is a weird and much avoided topic but vital towards mastering JavaScript. While classes are much easier to understand and is often the starting point for many when learning object oriented…

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React Hooks are a shiny new proposal that will allow you to write 90% cleaner React. According to Dan Abramov, Hooks are the future of React. That sounds good and all but what are Hooks and how will they help me write better code? Glad you asked.

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Computer languages often provide a way for one object to be inherited fromanother object. The inherited object contains all properties from its parent object. In addition, it will also specify its own set of unique properties. Follow me on Twitter for JavaScript tips and book announcements.

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There seems to be a lot of misconceptions about the different methods of setting up event handlers in React, especially about what goes on behind the scenes. Here I tried to group together some of the fundamental aspects that get frequently left out. First of all look at these two blocks of code.

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Inspired by a technical talk I’m giving for a Meetup, I wanted to take a moment and share what I’ve learned on React component patterns. Components are the heart of React, so understanding how to utilize them is paramount to creating great design structures.

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If you have been doing some React development recently, you must have come across terms like HOCs and Render Props. In this article, we’ll go deep into both these pattern to understand why we need them and how we can correctly use them to build better react applications.

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Building a React web application, for the most part, is writing components which combine to form your user interface. But there are certain components which are reused across your entire application — Button, Link, Dropdown, Tooltip, etc.

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